Licensed & Experienced Mortgage Broker | Best Mortgage Rates | Access To Many Lenders

First Time Home Buyer Mortgage Services

Chilliwack Mortgage Broker/ Professional

Jackie Woodward - Mortgage Professional who will work for you and make sure the mortgage you get is best suited to your unique finances.


When starting the process of buying your first new home, several important things to be aware of.

  • Talk to an experienced Mortgage Broker to understand the mortgage process and what is required from you.
  • Gather the relevant information to provide to the Mortgage Broker.
  • Once the pre-approval is in place find an experienced Realtor to assist. If you do not have one, Broker will provide some names or people they work with. Let the Realtor know who you have the pre-approval with and the particulars. This will assist the realtor in finding properties within your price range.
  • Ask lots of questions! If you are unsure of something within the process always ask for clarification.
  • Happy House hunting

Mortgage Services:

Serving clients across Maple Ridge, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Langley, Hope, and the surrounding areas.

Contact MORTGAGEGIRL BC – JACKIE WOODWARD - Licensed Mortgage Broker in Chilliwack, BC

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